The 9yr. old journey of Digital Marketing till date, itself was the greatest achivement altogather.

Working with people of different cultures, diffrent perspectives is such a life-learning lesson for me.

It always amaze me how ideas, experience, expertise & skillset from different people can build something awesomely beautiful.

Obviously though you do not study professional courses for Certificates, rather you study to learn the practical knowledge.

As you can see,

from my About Sayan page.. it was a long journey since then.. Which started well back in the early 2011s..

I was fortunate enough to be one of early Internet people, and leverage it to the fullest.

My First Certification,

One of my first certifications came along when I tried to customize my Blogger & WordPress Templates.

As I was one among the many non-tech guys, I did some research on how to achieve some more readable fonts.

One of the articles showed me to copy and paste some CSS code into my Blogger template, and it worked!

It arose a question in my mind, what if I could write the snippet myself.

As it stroke, I tried hard to find some very beginner friendly courses

And I found, SoloLearn.. And learnt about the basics of HTML and any webpage on the internet.

SoloLearn : HTML Foundation Skills

Link to My Certificate

HTML Fundamentals Course

In the meanwhile,

Life happend, and like everyone else I also quitted the FREE course, and learnt teachniques from other blogs as well.

By 2015

I was well equipped to do WordPress Theme customizations myself. And also was able to build my own plugin as well.

Well Life Happend,

And I got my first job in a local Call center, and also got somewhat detached to the whole Online thing.

My First Startup @ 2016

My first startup was a aimless website with more than 20 articles and a decent enough traffic to survive.


The website was basically aimless, which posted on motivation, website traffic generation, web development and many more.

Basically, goat without head.

I started with learning more & more and as of now I strated emphesizing on setting a goal with my Startup.

Certainly down the road, I lost my motivation and the startup got lost in the whirl of the time

And then, Second Certification happend

When I was going through all those courses.

My second certification was achieved.

Google : Digital Sales Certification, A course all about core sales people revolving around today’s digital age.

Here’s my Certificate Link

Google Digital Sales Certification

And after that I started doing courses one by one to validate & re-validate my key skills in the sector.

Next Certification was,

Hubspot Partner Inbound Certification : An in depth Inbound Marketing course best for students and working professionals.

Here’s My Certificate Link

Hubspot Certied Inbound Marketing Partner

And the saga continues from them,

Hubspot Email Marketing Certified : In depth email marketing course about Lead nurturing and Email Marketing Automation

Here’s my certificate link

Then it was turn for a overall blockbuster course from Google, the course that covered all the Digital Marketing Basics from scratch to Case Study based advanced topics,

Something that I blindly recommend to any Digial Marketing Beginner, who wants a starting point for their career journey…

Google Digital Garage Course (EU Edition) : A course that covers all the basic parts of Digital Marketing, A beginner friendly introductory course

Here’s my Certification Verification Link, **Here’s m_y License Number to verify_ – FFBSY4EEC**

Google Digital Garage Course, For Beginners

Hey, more to come..

Wait, the next was from Udemy, as I wanted to test it out on the first place.

Udemy, Growth Hacking Masterclass : A course best suited for traffic based veterenans for higher growth rate

Here’s my Certificate Link

Udemy – Growth Hacking Masterclass by Ruben Portz

Microsoft : Bing Ads Accredieted Professional, An in-depth bing based ads certification for partner status, you get listed at the Official Membership Directory

Here’s my Certification Link

Bing Ads Accredited Professional Certifactions

And why not be a Google Certified Ads Expert then,

Here’s my Certification Link

Google Ads Certified Partner

So, enjoyed?

I hope you all liked the certifications, I hope these motivated you too.

Although let’s not forget, certifications does not make you an Expert. It is only a utility to expand your horizon of knowledge & put you forward in Interview queue.

If you end up wanting some help to get into the field of Digital Marketing, I am just a ping away.